Gradle 'war' plugin how to change name of an archive

Please refer to this documentation : Spring Boot Gradle reference

To sum up: when applying the Spring Boot gradle plugin together with war plugin, the war task is disabled by default and "replaced" by the SpringBoot bootWar task.

So if you want to configure the war artefact, you will need to configure the bootWar task instead of base war task :

bootWar {
    baseName = 'service'
    archiveName 'service.war'

Additional notes:

  • in Gradle 5.x , archiveName has been deprecated, and you should use archiveFileName instead
  • if you set the archiveName property you don't need to set baseName property

M. Ricciuti answer is correct, with the caveat that even though archiveName has been deprecated in Gradle 5.x, Spring Boot is still using it in 2.1.6.RELEASE. For example, if the bootWar task was configured with the new archiveFileName property like this:

bootWar {
    archiveFileName 'service.war'

you will get this error:

Could not find method archiveFileName() for arguments [service.war] on task ':bootWar' of type org.springframework.boot.gradle.tasks.bundling.BootWar.

Use archiveName for now. See Spring BootWar class Java doc for details. They may add archiveFileName in the future.