gradlew is not found (No such file or directory)

In my case I copied gradlew file from windows(10) to linux(centos7).

So had to run

[user@server]$ dos2unix gradlew

And it worked.


If you have copied from windows as in my case. Do one thing, open it in notepad++, Go to View -> Show Symbol -> Show End of Line. You can notice CRLF This is the Windows EOL. Now convert it so you don't have to redo it. To convert notepad++ -> Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix (LF)

That's it, while pushing to git fiddle aroung .gitattributes

No such file or directory (bash: ./gradlew)

Add the execute permission for all users to the existing permissions

chmod +x gradlew

gradlew script is so-called Gradle wrapper, a self-contained script which allows people to run Gradle tasks without gradle installed. However it doesn't have to exist to execute Gradle tasks, it's absolutely optional.

You can generate Wrapper in your project by executing the task

gradle wrapper

Afterward, you can use ./gradlew script instead of gradle from PATH

To specify a Gradle version use --gradle-version on the command-line. Just execute the command:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version <your gradle version>

Take a look here for more exhaustive and comprehensive explanation:


