GraphQL and form validation errors
With validation logic inside the resolve
method, you have complete control over the generated user errors. Here is an example:
// data/mutations/createUser.js
import {
GraphQLObjectType as ObjectType,
GraphQLNonNull as NonNull,
GraphQLList as List,
GraphQLString as StringType
} from 'graphql';
import validator from 'validator';
import UserType from '../types/UserType';
export default {
type: new ObjectType({
name: 'CreateUserResult',
fields: {
user: { type: UserType },
errors: { type: new NonNull(new List(StringType)) }
args: {
email: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
password: { type: new NonNull(StringType) }
resolve(_, { email, password }) {
let user = null;
let errors = [];
if (validator.isNull(email)) {
errors.push(...['email', 'The email filed must not be empty.']);
} else if (!validator.isLength(email, { max: 100})) {
errors.push(...['email', 'The email must be at a max 100 characters long.']);
// etc.
return { user, errors };
See my blog post on this subject - Validation and User Errors in GraphQL Mutations
Alternatively, create type UserErrorType { key: String!, message: String! }
that can be used instead of plain strings when you compile the list of user errors to be returned to the caller.
GraphQL Query
mutation {
createUser(email: "[email protected]", password: "Passw0rd") {
user { id, email },
errors { key, message }
Query Response
data: {
user: null,
errors: [
{ key: '', message: 'Failed to create a new user account.' },
{ key: 'email', message: 'User with this email already exists.' }
I have created an npm module for handling validations in GraphQL in a better way. Please check the validate-graphql npm package.