GraphQL + Django: resolve queries using raw PostgreSQL query

Default resolvers on GraphQL Python / Graphene try to do the resolution of a given field_name in a root object using getattr. So, for example, the default resolver for a field named order_items will be something like:

def resolver(root, args, context, info):
    return getattr(root, 'order_items', None)

Knowing that, when doing a getattr in a dict, the result will be None (for accessing dict items you will have to use __getitem__ / dict[key]).

So, solving your problem could be as easy as change from dicts to storing the content to namedtuples.

import graphene
from django.db import connection
from collections import namedtuple

class OrderItemType(graphene.ObjectType):
    date = graphene.core.types.custom_scalars.DateTime()
    order_id = graphene.ID()
    uuid = graphene.String()

class QueryType(graphene.ObjectType):
    class Meta:
        type_name = 'Query' # This will be name in graphene 1.0

    order_items = graphene.List(OrderItemType)

    def resolve_order_items(root, args, info):
        return get_order_items()    

def get_db_rows(sql, args=None):
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql, args)
    columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    RowType = namedtuple('Row', columns)
    data = [
        RowType(*row) # Edited by John suggestion fix
        for row in cursor.fetchall() ]

    return data

def get_order_items():
    return get_db_rows("""
        SELECT j.created_dt AS date, j.order_id, j.uuid
        FROM job AS j
        LIMIT 3;

Hope this helps!