Grep to find the correct line, sed to change the contents, then putting it back into the original file?


sed -i.bak '/firmware_revision/ s/test/production/'

Here, /firmware_revision/ acts as a condition. It is true for lines that match the regex firmware_revision and false for other lines. If the condition is true, then the command which follows is executed. In this case, that command is a substitute command that replaces the first occurrence of test with production.

In other words, the command s/test/production/ is executed only on lines which match the regex firmware_revision. All other lines pass through unchanged.

By default, sed sends its output to standard out. You, however, wanted to change the file in place. So, we added the -i option. In particular, -i.bak causes the file to be changed in place with a back-up copy saved with a .bak extension.

If you have decided that the command works for you and you want to live dangerously and not create a backup, then, with GNU sed (Linux), use:

sed -i '/firmware_revision/ s/test/production/'

By contrast, on BSD (OSX), the -i option must have an argument. If you don't want to keep a backup, provide it with an empty argument. Thus, use:

sed -i '' '/firmware_revision/ s/test/production/'


In the edit to the question, the OP asks for every occurrence of test on the line to be replaced with production. In that case, we add the g option to the substitute command for a global (for that line) replacement:

sed -i.bak '/firmware_revision/ s/test/production/g'

On older machines with old-school sed that doesn't support option -i:

TF=$( mktemp -t "${0##*/}"_$$_XXXXXXXX ) && \
trap 'rm -f "$TF"' EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM && \
sed '/firmware_revision/ s/test/production/' >"$TF" && \
mv -f "$TF"