Grep word boundaries

\< and \> match empty string at the begin and end of a word respectively and only word constituent characters are:


From man grep:

Word-constituent characters are letters, digits, and the underscore.

So, your Regex is failing because / is not a valid word constituent character.

Instead as you have spaces around, you can use -w option of grep to match a word:

grep -wo '/media/fresh' /etc/fstab


$ grep -wo '/media/fresh' <<< '/dev/sdb1       /media/fresh      ext2   defaults     0 0'

This problem with \< (and also\b) applies not only to /, but to all non-word characters. (i.e. characters other than [[:alnum:]] and _. )

The problem is that the regex engine will always bypass a non-word character like / when searching for the next anchor \<. That's why you should not put non-word characters like / right after \<. If you do, by construction, nothing will match.

An alternative to the -w option of grep, would be something like this:

egrep "(^|\W)/media/fresh($|\W)"