Grid: different background color (of row) based on values
Here is a solution with Item[...]
itemRules =
With[{color = RandomColor[]},
(x : {___, #}) :> (Item[#,Background -> color] & /@ x)] & /@ Union[list[[All, 4]]];
Grid[list /. itemRules, Dividers -> All]
sets = GatherBy[Transpose[{Range[Length[list]], list[[All, 4]]}], #[[2]] &];
colors = {LightYellow, LightOrange, LightBlue};
colorrules =
Thread[sets[[n, All, 1]] -> colors[[n]]], {n, Length[sets]}];
Grid[list, Frame -> All, Background -> {None, colorrules}]
Using Association
and Lookup
to specify row backgrounds:
keys = Union @ list[[All, -1]];
colors = Lighter @* Lighter @* ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[keys];
backgroundColors = AssociationThread[keys, colors];
Legended[Grid[list, Frame -> All,
Background -> {None, Lookup[list[[All, -1]]] @ backgroundColors}],
SwatchLegend[colors, keys]]