Group By and Sum using Underscore/Lodash

I tried to do this in the functional way, and the result was like this

    .map(function(value, key) {
        return [key, _.reduce(value, function(result, currentObject) {
            return {
                payout: result.payout + currentObject.payout,
                numOfPeople: result.numOfPeople + currentObject.numOfPeople
        }, {
            payout: 0,
            numOfPeople: 0

In the spirit of lodash one liners, 'group_by'), (o,idx) => { return { id: idx, 
summed: _.sumBy(o,'sum_me') }})

You can do this without Underscore:

var result = data.reduce(function(acc, x) {
  var id = acc[x.platformId]
  if (id) {
    id.payout += x.payout
    id.numOfPeople += x.numOfPeople
  } else {
    acc[x.platformId] = x
    delete x.platformId
  return acc

But why would you want an object with numeric keys? You could convert it back to a collection:

var toCollection = function(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj)
    .sort(function(x, y){return +x - +y})
    .map(function(k){return obj[k]})


Note that objects are mutated, so you may to clone them first if you want to maintain the original data.

Here's a Lodash solution to this kind of problem. It's similar to Underscore, but with some more advanced features.

const data = [{
    platformId: 1,
    payout: 15,
    numOfPeople: 4
    platformId: 1,
    payout: 12,
    numOfPeople: 3

    platformId: 2,
    payout: 6,
    numOfPeople: 5

    platformId: 2,
    payout: 10,
    numOfPeople: 1

const ans = _(data)
  .map((platform, id) => ({
    platformId: id,
    payout: _.sumBy(platform, 'payout'),
    numOfPeople: _.sumBy(platform, 'numOfPeople')

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