Group pandas dataframe in unusual way

Let us try shift + cumsum create the groupby key: BTW I really like the way you display your expected output

s = df.groupby('ID')['value'].apply(lambda x :
d = {x : y for x ,y in df.groupby(s)}
     ID  value
2   100   True
5   200   True
6   200   True
7   200   True
11  300   True
12  300   True
     ID  value
0   100  False
1   100  False
4   200  False
9   300  False
10  300  False
     ID  value
3   100  False
8   200  False
13  300  False

Let's try following your logic:

# 1. all False up to first True
group1 = df.loc[df.groupby('ID')['value'].cumsum() == 0]

# 2. all False after last True
group2 = df.loc[df.iloc[::-1].groupby('ID')['value'].cumsum()==0]

# 3. all True
group3 = df[df['value']]


    ID      value
0   100     False
1   100     False
4   200     False
9   300     False
10  300     False

    ID      value
3   100     False
8   200     False
13  300     False

    ID      value
2   100     True
5   200     True
6   200     True
7   200     True
11  300     True
12  300     True

This works for your example data

df['groups'] = df.groupby('ID').value.apply(lambda x: x.diff().ne(False).cumsum()).astype('int')
for _,df_groups in df.groupby('groups'):


     ID  value  groups
0   100  False       1
1   100  False       1
4   200  False       1
9   300  False       1
10  300  False       1
     ID  value  groups
2   100   True       2
5   200   True       2
6   200   True       2
7   200   True       2
11  300   True       2
12  300   True       2
     ID  value  groups
3   100  False       3
8   200  False       3
13  300  False       3