GSON and InstanceCreator issue

Did you look at this? Looks like a nice clean way to implement InstanceCreators.

I was using Gson too, but switched to FlexJSON due to serialization issues. With Flex, you don't need instance creators, just make sure your objects have getters/setters for all fields based on JavaBean spec, and you're good to go:

 ShapeHolder sh = new ShapeHolder();
 sh.addShape(new Rectangle());
 sh.addShape(new Circle());
 JSONSerializer ser = new JSONSerializer();
 String json = ser.deepSerialize(sh);
 JSONDeserializer<ShapeHolder> der = new JSONDeserializer<ShapeHolder>();
 ShapeHolder sh2 = der.deserialize(json);

NOTE that FlexJSON is adding class name as part of json like below serialize time.

    "HTTPStatus": "OK",
    "class": "com.XXX.YYY.HTTPViewResponse",
    "code": null,
    "outputContext": {
        "class": "com.XXX.YYY.ZZZ.OutputSuccessContext",
        "eligible": true

So JSON will be cumber some; but you don't need write InstanceCreator which is required in GSON.