Guice: Using @Named to create object

The best way to do this is not with a factory but with @Provides methods. My company uses Guice very, very extensively, and requestInjection is always considered a bad idea because it can easily set up a very fragile graph of implicit dependencies.

Here's what it should look like:

public class FooModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {
    // do configuration

  Color provideWhiteColor(ColorSet colorSet) {
    return colorSet.white(); // or whatever

  Color provideBlackColor(ColorSet colorSet) {
    return; // or whatever

  // etc

There are few code bases where I have seen the use of injector directly in order fetch certain object.


In this case, you can use the following:

injector.getInstance(Key.get(Color.class, Names.named("light")));

You could setup a factory within the module, and request injection on it to fill in the ColorSet.


ColorFactory colorFactory = new ColorFactory();




public class ColorFactory {

    private ColorSet colorSet;

    public Color buildColor(String color){
        return new Color(colorSet, color);

    public void setColorSet(ColorSet colorSet) {
        this.colorSet = colorSet;