gulp-filter is filtering everything

Apparently, this is an error in the documentation that is explained in issue #55 at the Github repository.

The solution in my case is this:

var f = filter(['**', '!src/ToCOptions.js'], {'restore': true});

As the author of the issue explains, a single asterisk only matches files that are not in subdirectories. All of the files for this task are in a subdirectory, so the first pattern didn't match anything and the second pattern didn't have any results to subtract from.

To understand **, I had to use man bash on a Linux system and search for globstar since the node-glob documentation makes reference to the Bash implementation:

    If  set,  the  pattern  ** used in a pathname expansion context will
    match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.  If the
    pattern is followed by a /, only directories and subdirectories match.

I've create a simple example with on("data", function(file){}) just to make your understanding more clear around NodeJS Streams.

gulp.task('js', function() {
  return gulp.src("my/js/folder/*.js")
    .on("data", function(file){
       // here you can filter all your file depends on name/path/etc. 
    do something else
    the same you can do in gulp.dest method
       // conditions
       return "my expected path"/* your expected path for file depends on conditions*/

I hope it will help you.
