Gulpfile.js failed to load
This syntax is no longer allowed in gulp4:
gulp.task('default', ['durandal']);
Use :
gulp.task('default', gulp.series('durandal'));
Likewise change to:
gulp.task('durandal', gulp.series('clean', function (done) {
baseDir: 'app',
main: 'main.js',
output: 'main-built.js',
almond: true,
minify: true
Also, using pump would probably give you better error reporting than you are getting without it.
I have tried your setup, it indeed threw an error like yours. I went to the gulp docs and tried their version of a gulpfile, and it worked with no issues. So I have rewritten your gulpfile to match their example and it worked well. here's the code:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
durandal = require('gulp-durandal'),
rimraf = require('rimraf');
var paths = {
app: "./App/**/*.js",
js: "./Scripts/**/*.js",
css: "./Content/**/*.css",
concatJsDest: "./Scripts/vendor-scripts.min.js",
concatCssDest: "./Content/vendor-css.min.css"
function clean (cb) {
rimraf('app/main-built.js', cb);
gulp.task('clean', clean);
function runDurandal () {
return durandal({
baseDir: 'app',
main: 'main.js',
output: 'main-built.js',
almond: true,
minify: true,
rjsConfigAdapter: function (rjsConfig) {
rjsConfig.deps = ['text'];
return rjsConfig;
var build = gulp.series(clean, runDurandal);
gulp.task('default', build);
Basically I have moved functions that you use as tasks to variables, and used series to run durandal.
then I have tried npx gulp --tasks-simple
and have a proper output
btw, have a look at npx so you don't have to install gulp globally.
Hope that helps!