gunicorn autoreload on source change

While this is old question you need to know that ever since version 19.0 gunicorn has had the --reload option. So now no third party tools are needed.

Bryan Helmig came up with this and I modified it to use run_gunicorn instead of launching gunicorn directly, to make it possible to just cut and paste these 3 commands into a shell in your django project root folder (with your virtualenv activated):

pip install watchdog -U
watchmedo shell-command --patterns="*.py;*.html;*.css;*.js" --recursive --command='echo "${watch_src_path}" && kill -HUP `cat`' . &
python run_gunicorn

One option would be to use the --max-requests to limit each spawned process to serving only one request by adding --max-requests 1 to the startup options. Every newly spawned process should see your code changes and in a development environment the extra startup time per request should be negligible.