hackingbeauty code example
Example: hackingbeauty
record={boolean} // defaults -> false. Set to true to begin recording
pause={boolean} // defaults -> false (available in React-Mic-Gold)
visualSetting="sinewave" // defaults -> "sinewave". Other option is "frequencyBars"
className={string} // provide css class name
onStop={function} // required - called when audio stops recording
onData={function} // optional - called when chunk of audio data is available
onBlock={function} // optional - called if user selected "block" when prompted to allow microphone access (available in React-Mic-Gold)
strokeColor={string} // sinewave or frequency bar color
backgroundColor={string} // background color
mimeType="audio/webm" // defaults -> "audio/webm". Set to "audio/wav" for WAV or "audio/mp3" for MP3 audio format (available in React-Mic-Gold)
echoCancellation={boolean} // defaults -> false
autoGainControl={boolean} // defaults -> false
noiseSuppression={boolean} // defaults -> false
channelCount={number} // defaults -> 2 (stereo). Specify 1 for mono.
bitRate={256000} // defaults -> 128000 (128kbps). React-Mic-Gold only.
sampleRate={96000} // defaults -> 44100 (44.1 kHz). It accepts values only in range: 22050 to 96000 (available in React-Mic-Gold)
timeSlice={3000} // defaults -> 4000 milliseconds. The interval at which captured audio is returned to onData callback (available in React-Mic-Gold).