hadoop : datanode not running?

Okay,i find the workaround. It seems like i was having the error : Incompatible namespaceIDs. I found a work around here . So well it finally got solved.

If you are also having the same problem for Incompatible namespaceIDs, try the following, it worked like a charm for me. Leave comments if you still have problems and I will get back to you.

Solution :
1. Stop the problematic DataNode(s).
2. Edit the value of namespaceID in ${dfs.data.dir}/current/VERSION to match the corresponding value of the current NameNode in ${dfs.name.dir}/current/VERSION.
3. Restart the fixed DataNode(s). That will solve the problem for you.

  1. DataNode attempts to start but then shuts down. It can be checked by hadoop datanode -start.
  2. The problem is due to Incompatible namespaceID.So, remove tmp directory using commands

    sudo rm -Rf  /app/hadoop/tmp
  3. Then follow the steps from:

    sudo mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp    


