Hadoop YARN: Get a list of available queues

One way is to use ResourceManager REST API, for example:

curl '<resourcemanager_host>:<http_port>/ws/v1/cluster/scheduler' | jq '.scheduler.schedulerInfo.queues.queue[] | .queueName’

will list all top level queues.

curl '<resourcemanager_host>:<http_port>/ws/v1/cluster/scheduler' | jq .

gives you all kind of information about scheduler/queues, thus using jq you can get any information out of it.

You can use the hadoop builtin mapred command-line tool

[email protected]$ mapred queue -list
Queue Name : root.tenant1
Queue State : running
Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0
    Queue Name : root.tenant1.default
    Queue State : running
    Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0
    Queue Name : root.tenant1.users
    Queue State : running
    Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0
Queue Name : root.tenant2
Queue State : running
Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0
    Queue Name : root.tenant2.default
    Queue State : running
    Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0
    Queue Name : root.tenant2.users
    Queue State : running
    Scheduling Info : Capacity: 0.0, MaximumCapacity: UNDEFINED, CurrentCapacity: 0.0

it provides a simple and nice output with hierarchy


