handle IDLE state in exo player code example
Example: handle IDLE state in exo player
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {
if (error.type == ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE) {
IOException cause = error.getSourceException();
if (cause instanceof HttpDataSourceException) {
// An HTTP error occurred.
HttpDataSourceException httpError = (HttpDataSourceException) cause;
// This is the request for which the error occurred.
DataSpec requestDataSpec = httpError.dataSpec;
// It's possible to find out more about the error both by casting and by
// querying the cause.
if (httpError instanceof HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException) {
// Cast to InvalidResponseCodeException and retrieve the response code,
// message and headers.
} else {
// Try calling httpError.getCause() to retrieve the underlying cause,
// although note that it may be null.