Handle redirects in angularjs $http

I think there is a better way than the http interceptor for login redirection because it parses the request response and if another page has the string requested, an error will occur.

I suggest wrapping $http methods in your service and check if the user is logged before making the request:

app.service('httpWrapper', ['$http','requestLogin',function($http,requestLogin){
  var httpWrapper = {};

  // You can add methods for put, post
  httpWrapper.get = function(url){
    // Before making the request, check with a request if the user is logged
    $http.get(urlLogged).success(function (auth) {
            // Show login widget

    return $http.get(url);

  return httpWrapper;

Then uses httpWrapper in place of $http in your other services:

app.service('otherService', ['httpWrapper',function(httpWrapper){

Here the service for requestLogin:

app.service('requestLogin', ['$rootScope',function($rootScope){
  var requestLogin = {};

  $rootScope.showlogin = false;

  requestLogin.show = function(){
    $rootScope.showlogin = true;

  requestLogin.hide = function(){
    $rootScope.showlogin = false;
  return requestLogin;

And then, in your view:

<div ng-show="showlogin == true">
  Please log-in...

I ran into this problem as well, trying to find a nice way of implementing that a user be prompted to change his password, when logging in for the first time.

The way I solved this problem is by letting the server return a (unofficial) 210 status code with a location header, containing the information needed for the UI-Router's state provider. In the controller at the front I have added:

if (data.status == 210) {
  var location = data.headers().location;
} else {
  $state.go("user", {name: data.data.fullName, userId: data.data.userId});

Please note that this is specific to my project.

Goal: Catch 302 status code and redirect the page (to login in my case).

Result: In firebug, I could see that the response code is 302 but then I found out that angularjs returns 200 by simply printing the value of status (response.status). So at first you'd thought that you're hopeless. But in my case, what I did was get the data (response.data), look for the string that could be only found in my login page. Then that's it. problem solved :D

The idea was taken here.

Here's the code

app.factory('redirectInterceptor', function($q,$location,$window){
    return  {
        if (typeof response.data === 'string' && response.data.indexOf("My Login Page")>-1) {
            $window.location.href = "/login.html";
            return $q.reject(response);
            return response;


    app.config(['$httpProvider',function($httpProvider) {