Hangfire single instance recurring job

My solution:

namespace MyNameSpace
    public delegate void LockWrapperDelegateVoid();

    /* Job Locker. One job can work at current moment. Different jobs can work parallel */
    public static class JobLocker
        private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _locks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>();

        private static string LocksTryAdd(string lockerName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lockerName))  // lock by procedure's name (in this example = "JobProcedure")
                lockerName = new StackFrame(2).GetMethod().Name;
            if (!_locks.ContainsKey(lockerName))
                _locks.TryAdd(lockerName, false);
            return lockerName;

        public static void LockWrapperVoid(string lockerName, LockWrapperDelegateVoid lockWrapperDelegateVoid)
            lockerName = LocksTryAdd(lockerName);
            if (!_locks[lockerName])
                _locks[lockerName] = true;
                    _locks[lockerName] = false;


// JOB description
TryAddOrUpdateJob("JOB TITLE", () => JobManager.JobProcedure(), "* * * * *", TimeZoneInfo.Utc, "queueDefault");  // every one minute

public static void JobProcedure()
    // very important. You can use "BlockArea" instead null and use one area if several jobs depend each other
    // if null - area will have name like as the procedure ("JobProcedure")
    JobLocker.LockWrapperVoid(null, () =>  
        //your code here
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000 * 60); // timeout - 2 minutes

You can use; [DisableConcurrentExecution(10 * 60)] attribute on the job method.

Here you can find information about this attribute: http://odinserj.net/2014/05/21/hangfire-0.8.2-released/