Haskell function that applies a list of functions to a list of inputs?

As commented your recursion fails to recurse in the second argument, so the definition would be

apply (f:fs) (x:xs) = (f x) : (apply fs xs) 
apply _      _      = []

You can go point-free with

apply = zipWith ($) -- zipWith id works too as @Redu commented

Or even more interesting, you can go applicativelly-crazy with ZipList

import Control.Applicative
apply f x = getZipList $ ZipList f <*> ZipList x

It's interesting that in two comments are two totally valid answers:

applyAll' :: [b -> c] -> [b] -> [c]
applyAll = zipWith ($)


applyAll :: [a -> c] -> [a] -> [c]
applyAll' = zipWith id

It's also interesting that Haskell, due to its way to pick types (type inference), changes a little bit its signature, obviously they are equivalent. id and $ functions are equivalents when id is restricted to functions. (As Robin pointed out in his comment).