Have Grothendieck's notes in Montpellier already been investigated?

Apparently 18,000 pages of Grothendieck's notes are going to be released on May 10, 2017 at 4:30 pm on the site of the University of Montpellier. I get this information from the following article: http://www.liberation.fr/sciences/2017/05/05/les-notes-du-mathematicien-alexandre-grothendieck-arrivent-sur-le-net_1567517

...and here is a link to the Université de Montpellier site where 18,000 of Grothendieck's notes are now posted!

Here is a book (in French) where it is explained in detail how all of Grothendieck's private manuscripts were transported to Paris in November 2015, and saved there in a secure library:

Philippe Douroux, Alexandre Grothendieck- Sur les traces du dernier génie des mathématiques.