Having trouble viewing more than 10 rows in a tibble

What I often do when I want to see the output of a pipe like that is pipe it straight to View()


tidy_books %>%
    anti_join(stop_words) %>%
    count(word, sort=TRUE) %>%

If you want to save this to a new object that you can work with later, you can assign it to a new variable name at the beginning of the pipe.

word_counts <- tidy_books %>%
    anti_join(stop_words) %>%
    count(word, sort=TRUE)

Although this question has a perfectly ok answer, the comment from @Marius is much shorter, so:

tidy_books %>% print(n = 100)

As you say you are a beginner you can replace n = 100 with any number you want

Also as you are a beginner, to see the whole table:

tidy_books %>% print(n = nrow(tidy_books))