Headers not showing in fetch response

With Node.js I found this solution, using exposedHeaders:

const cors = require('cors');
const express = require('express');

// ..........

var app = express();
  exposedHeaders: ['x-auth-token'],

And for read, it's ok:

x_auth_token = res.headers.get('x-auth-token');

The Header object is not empty. It is just not a regular object so it doesn't have its contents as properties on its instance. As such you won't see the headers / values in a console.log view.

To get a particular header's value you need to use the get() method

var token = response.headers.get('x-auth-token');

You can also loop through it using for ... of

for(const header of response.headers){


  for(const header of res.headers){
    console.log(`Name: ${header[0]}, Value:${header[1]}`);