Helm delete all releases

This worked for me in a powershell cmd window:

helm del $(helm ls --all --short) --purge

For helm 3 you have to provide namespaces so there is an awk step before xargs :

helm ls -a --all-namespaces | awk 'NR > 1 { print "-n "$2, $1}' | xargs -L1 helm delete

This results in commands like:

helm delete -n my-namespace my-release

To delete all Helm releases in Linux(in Helm v2.X) with a single command, you can use some good old bash. Just pipe the output of helm ls --short to xargs, and run helm delete for each release returned.

helm ls --all --short | xargs -L1 helm delete

Adding --purge will delete the charts as well, as per @Yeasin Ar Rahman's comment.

helm ls --all --short | xargs -L1 helm delete --purge

On Windows, you can delete all releases with this command, again, with --purge deleting the charts as well.

helm del $(helm ls --all --short) --purge

Update: As per @lucidyan comment, the --purge arg is not available in Helm v3.