Hexagonal diagrams

I try to find another way in the spirit of TikZ without complicated macros.

First part : the method

First I define vertices. Some of them are on circle and define hexagons. Circles or hexagons are numeroted from 0 to 3. 0 is the center. Then on each hexagons, I place vertices numeroted from 0 to 5 for the first; 0 to 11 for the second and 0 to 17 for the third one. In a first time,I use nodes but for the final drawing, I will use coordinates. A vertice is defined by h;i h for hexagon and i for indice.



  %%%  define vertices with coordinates     
\node (00) at (0,0) {00}; 
\foreach \c in {1,...,3}{%  
\foreach \i in {0,...,5}{% 
 % little trick \c*\i  gives 0,1,2,3,4,5 for this first circle
 % 0,2,4 etc.. for the second one and 0,3,6 for the third one.
 % the for the second hexagon, i define the midpoints ith indices : 1,3,5,..
 % and for the third hexagon , two points betweens 3;0 and 3;3 etc...

 %  pgfmathtruncatemacro is used because we can't accept 3;2.0 for a name
\node[circle,minimum width=4pt,inner sep=0pt] (\c;\j) at (60*\i:\c){\c;\j};  
} }
% now on the second hexagon we need to place between each corners, a midpoint
% to finish we need to change 12 in 0 so I use  mod 
\foreach \i in {0,2,...,10}{%
 % perhaps foreach now gives some possibilities to avoid  \pgfmathtruncatemacro
 % midpoint I use the same method further 
\node (2\k) at ($(2;\i)!.5!(2;\j)$)  {2;\k} ;    }

% now on the third hexagon we need to place between each corners, two points
% to finish we need to change 18 in 0 so I use  mod
%  ($(3;\i)!1/3!(3;\j)$) is a barycenter coeff 1 and 2
\foreach \i in {0,3,...,15}{% 
\node (3\k) at ($(3;\i)!1/3!(3;\j)$)  {3;\k} ;
\node (3\l) at ($(3;\i)!2/3!(3;\j)$)  {3;\l} ;

I get this picture. You can see the names of the nodes.

enter image description here

Second part : Drawing the graph

I change node with coordinates




%%%  define vertices with coordinates
\coordinate (0;0) at (0,0); 
\foreach \c in {1,...,3}{%  
\foreach \i in {0,...,5}{% 
\coordinate (\c;\j) at (60*\i:\c);  
} }
\foreach \i in {0,2,...,10}{% 
\coordinate (2;\k) at ($(2;\i)!.5!(2;\j)$) ;}

\foreach \i in {0,3,...,15}{% 
\coordinate (3;\k) at ($(3;\i)!1/3!(3;\j)$)  ;
\coordinate (3;\l) at ($(3;\i)!2/3!(3;\j)$)  ;

 %%%%%%%%% draw lines %%%%%%%%
 \foreach \i in {0,...,6}{% 
 \draw[thin,gray] (3;\k)--(3;\l);
 \draw[thin,gray] (3;\k)--(3;\l); 
 \draw[thin,gray] (3;\k)--(3;\l);}    
%%%%%%%%% some specific lines %%%%%%%%%% 
 \foreach \i in {0,2,...,10} {
   \draw[thick,dashed] (2;\i)--(2;\j);}     
%%%%%%%%% draw points %%%%%%%% 
\fill [gray] (0;0) circle (2pt);
 \foreach \c in {1,...,3}{%
 \foreach \i in {0,...,\k}{% 
   \fill [gray] (\c;\i) circle (2pt);}}  
%%%%%%%%% some specific points %%%%%%%%%%  
 \foreach \n in {0,3,...,15}{% 
   \draw (3;\n) circle (4pt);}
 \foreach \n in {1,3,...,11}{% 
   \draw (2;\n) circle (4pt);}
%%%%%%%%%% arrows %%%%%%%%%%%%
\draw[->,red,thick,shorten >=4pt,shorten <=2pt](0;0)--(2;3);
\draw[->,red,thick,shorten >=4pt,shorten <=2pt](0;0)--(2;1); 

The result :

enter image description here

Sorry it's not a good example of code with tkz-berge but there are a lot of possibilities with tkz-graph and tkz-berge that I made the most simple without great ideas.

You need to find better names. To see the names of vertices you can change Art with Classic \GraphInit[vstyle=Classic]


   {\SetUpEdge[style={ultra thick},color=red]
   \grCycle[prefix=b,RA=3.464]{6} } 
   \SetVertexArt[MinSize    = 4pt]  
   \NO(d2){e2} \NO(b2){e3} 
   \NO(b1){e4} \NO(d0){e5}
   \SO(d3){e6} \SO(b4){e7} 
   \SO(b5){e8} \SO(d5){e9}
   \NO(a3){f1} \NO(f1){f2} 
   \NO(a5){f3} \NO(f3){f4}
   \SetUpEdge[style={->,ultra thick,double},color=blue]
   \Edges(A,b0)  \Edges(A,b1)

I forgot the rotation :

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=30] ....

enter image description here

A better idea to begin this code is :

 \SetVertexArt[MinSize  = 4pt] 
     \foreach \n in {0,...,5}{%

enter image description here

version 3

   \foreach \n in {0,...,3} 
 \end{scope} } 
    \foreach \n in {-1,...,-3} 
    {  \begin{scope}[shift={({\n*sqrt(3)},-\n)},rotate=90]
 \end{scope} } 

enter image description here

Download geogebra and draw the figure. You can then export it as a TikZ or PSTricks and use it within LaTeX.


Tikz Pgf