Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns

Use Projections to specify which columns you would like to return.


SQL Query

SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user;

Hibernate Alternative

Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(User.class)
      .add(Projections.property("id"), "id")
      .add(Projections.property("Name"), "Name"))

  List<User> list = cr.list();

You can use JPQL as well as JPA Criteria API for any kind of DTO projection(Mapping only selected columns to a DTO class) . Look at below code snippets showing how to selectively select various columns instead of selecting all columns . These example also show how to select various columns from joining multiple columns . I hope this helps .

JPQL code :

String dtoProjection = "new com.katariasoft.technologies.jpaHibernate.college.data.dto.InstructorDto"
                + "(i.id, i.name, i.fatherName, i.address, id.proofNo, "
                + " v.vehicleNumber, v.vechicleType, s.name, s.fatherName, "
                + " si.name, sv.vehicleNumber , svd.name) ";

        List<InstructorDto> instructors = queryExecutor.fetchListForJpqlQuery(
                "select " + dtoProjection + " from Instructor i " + " join i.idProof id " + " join i.vehicles v "
                        + " join i.students s " + " join s.instructors si " + " join s.vehicles sv "
                        + " join sv.documents svd " + " where i.id > :id and svd.name in (:names) "
                        + " order by i.id , id.proofNo , v.vehicleNumber , si.name , sv.vehicleNumber , svd.name ",
                CollectionUtils.mapOf("id", 2, "names", Arrays.asList("1", "2")), InstructorDto.class);

        if (Objects.nonNull(instructors))
            instructors.forEach(i -> i.setName("Latest Update"));


JPA Criteria API code :

    public void fetchFullDataWithCriteria() {
        CriteriaBuilder cb = criteriaUtils.criteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<InstructorDto> cq = cb.createQuery(InstructorDto.class);

        // prepare from expressions
        Root<Instructor> root = cq.from(Instructor.class);
        Join<Instructor, IdProof> insIdProofJoin = root.join(Instructor_.idProof);
        Join<Instructor, Vehicle> insVehicleJoin = root.join(Instructor_.vehicles);
        Join<Instructor, Student> insStudentJoin = root.join(Instructor_.students);
        Join<Student, Instructor> studentInsJoin = insStudentJoin.join(Student_.instructors);
        Join<Student, Vehicle> studentVehicleJoin = insStudentJoin.join(Student_.vehicles);
        Join<Vehicle, Document> vehicleDocumentJoin = studentVehicleJoin.join(Vehicle_.documents);

        // prepare select expressions.
        CompoundSelection<InstructorDto> selection = cb.construct(InstructorDto.class, root.get(Instructor_.id),
                root.get(Instructor_.name), root.get(Instructor_.fatherName), root.get(Instructor_.address),
                insIdProofJoin.get(IdProof_.proofNo), insVehicleJoin.get(Vehicle_.vehicleNumber),
                insVehicleJoin.get(Vehicle_.vechicleType), insStudentJoin.get(Student_.name),
                insStudentJoin.get(Student_.fatherName), studentInsJoin.get(Instructor_.name),
                studentVehicleJoin.get(Vehicle_.vehicleNumber), vehicleDocumentJoin.get(Document_.name));

        // prepare where expressions.
        Predicate instructorIdGreaterThan = cb.greaterThan(root.get(Instructor_.id), 2);
        Predicate documentNameIn = cb.in(vehicleDocumentJoin.get(Document_.name)).value("1").value("2");
        Predicate where = cb.and(instructorIdGreaterThan, documentNameIn);

        // prepare orderBy expressions.
        List<Order> orderBy = Arrays.asList(cb.asc(root.get(Instructor_.id)),
                cb.asc(insIdProofJoin.get(IdProof_.proofNo)), cb.asc(insVehicleJoin.get(Vehicle_.vehicleNumber)),
                cb.asc(studentInsJoin.get(Instructor_.name)), cb.asc(studentVehicleJoin.get(Vehicle_.vehicleNumber)),

        // prepare query
