Hibernate Envers with Spring Boot - configuration

For all those configuration settings that aren't by default available you can specify them by simply prefixing them with spring.jpa.properties. Those properties will be added, as is, to the EntityManagerFactory (as JPA Properties).


Adding the above to the application.properties will add the properties and should configure Hibernate Envers.

This is also documented in the Spring Boot reference guide.


  1. Configure JPA properties
  2. Envers Properties

Looking through the HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration class I can't see any support for envers properties. The following might not be the best solution but nevertheless your can give it a try.

In order to have Spring Boot support the envers properties you have to:

  1. override the current AutoConfiguration class that Spring Boot uses to configure the Hibernate properties, so it will read the envers properties from your property files. This will read the spring.jpa.hibernate.envers.default_schema from your file and add it to the properties of the entityManagerFactoryBean:

    public class HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration extends HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration {
       private RelaxedPropertyResolver environment;
       public HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration() {
           this.environment = null;
       public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
           this.environment = new RelaxedPropertyResolver(environment, "spring.jpa.hibernate.");
       protected void configure(LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean) {
           Map<String, Object> properties = entityManagerFactoryBean.getJpaPropertyMap();
           properties.put("hibernate.envers.default_schema", this.environment.getProperty("envers.default_schema"));
  2. exclude the original HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration that Spring Boot uses and add your own as a bean so it will be replaced:

    @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class)
    @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test")
    @EntityScan(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test")
    @ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test")
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SpringApplication.run(Main.class, args);
        public HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration hibernateEnversAutoConfiguration() {
            return new HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration();

I use with yaml format:

                format_sql: false
                    audit_table_suffix: AUDIT
                    revision_field_name: NRO_ID_REVISAO_AUDITORIA
                    revision_type_field_name: TPO_REVISAO_AUDITORIA

For those using MySQL and Spring Boot, the suggestion of using:

spring.jpa.properties.org.hibernate.envers.default_schema=yourAuditSchema will not work.

Use this instead:
