Hibernate Exception on MySQL Cross Join Query

I had the same issue and struggled to find a sensible answer. It seems that, even if you get this approach to work, the SQL generated is highly inefficient (according to what I have read).

So I took a step back and did the following:

    List<Properties> props = propDao.findPropertiesByHotelCode(hotel.getCode());

Basically rather tan trying to 'delete where', I'm doing a select where and then deleting in batch the set that I retrieved.

Hope this helps.

You may not have joins in such a HQL query. Quote from the reference documentation:

No joins, either implicit or explicit, can be specified in a bulk HQL query. Sub-queries can be used in the where-clause, where the subqueries themselves may contain joins.

So I guess something like this should work:

delete from Feature F where F.id in 
    (select f2.id from Feature f2 where f2.featuresMetadata.stateGeoId = :stateGeoId)