Hide certain columns in a responsive data table using DT package
You can hide columns in your table using DT options or extensions.
If you want them to be hidden in advance but have a button to make them visible again, the ColVis
extension should work well for you: link
If you just want thme stay hidden, add the following option (can't remember where I've seen its documentation right now..)
options=list(columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=columns2hide)))
I have another way which I like for its readability. It does not solve the problem of column numbering though.
columns2hide <- match('Sepal.Width', colnames(iris))
ui = fluidPage(DT::dataTableOutput('tbl')),
server = function(input, output) {
output$tbl = DT::renderDataTable(
dataTableProxy(outputId = 'tbl') %>%
hideCols(hide = columns2hide)
creates a proxy object that you can operate on with a couple of functions (see ?dataTableProxy
It can be handy for hiding/showing/selecting/add/... rows and columns of the table when clicking on a button, for example.
Because it has deferUntilFlush = TRUE
by default it waits with its handling of the table until its next generation. In this case this simply happens on the following line.