hiding an option in ng-options

Consider ngRepeat for that level of control. I don't think it's possible with ngOptions.

 <select ng-model="selectedValue">
    <option ng-repeat="permissionLevel in permissionLevels" value="{{permissionLevel.text}}" ng-show="shouldShowWrite(permissionLevel)">

You could use a filter in the ngOptions expression:

<select ng-model="selectedValue"
        ng-options="permissionLevel.text for permissionLevel in 
                    permissionLevels | filter:shouldShow">

and define the shouldShow() function to $scope in the controller:

$scope.shouldShow = function (permissionLevel) {
  // put your authorization logic here
  return $scope.permission.canWrite || permissionLevel.value !== 'ROLE_WRITE';

For the full example see: http://plnkr.co/edit/8FkVktDXKGg3MQQawZCH