Highlight text using ReactJS

Here is my simple twoliner helper method:

getHighlightedText(text, highlight) {
    // Split text on highlight term, include term itself into parts, ignore case
    const parts = text.split(new RegExp(`(${highlight})`, 'gi'));
    return <span>{parts.map(part => part.toLowerCase() === highlight.toLowerCase() ? <b>{part}</b> : part)}</span>;

It returns a span, where the requested parts are highlighted with <b> </b> tags. This can be simply modified to use another tag if needed.

UPDATE: To avoid unique key missing warning, here is a solution based on spans and setting fontWeight style for matching parts:

getHighlightedText(text, highlight) {
    // Split on highlight term and include term into parts, ignore case
    const parts = text.split(new RegExp(`(${highlight})`, 'gi'));
    return <span> { parts.map((part, i) => 
        <span key={i} style={part.toLowerCase() === highlight.toLowerCase() ? { fontWeight: 'bold' } : {} }>
            { part }
    } </span>;

Here is an example of a react component that uses the standard <mark> tag to highlight a text:

const Highlighted = ({text = '', highlight = ''}) => {
   if (!highlight.trim()) {
     return <span>{text}</span>
   const regex = new RegExp(`(${_.escapeRegExp(highlight)})`, 'gi')
   const parts = text.split(regex)
   return (
        {parts.filter(part => part).map((part, i) => (
            regex.test(part) ? <mark key={i}>{part}</mark> : <span key={i}>{part}</span>

And here is how to use it

<Highlighted text="the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" highlight="fox"/>