Histogram3D using sums instead of counts
A custom height function for Histogram3D
Key ideas: (1) get the list of data points in each bin using BinLists
, (2) Map func2
to each 2D data point and func1
to the results to define the heights for each bin:
ClearAll[binListF, heightF];
binListF[data_][bins_, counts_] := BinLists[data, {bins[[1]]}, {bins[[2]]}];
heightF[data_][func1_: Total, func2_: First, binning_: Automatic] :=
Map[func1, Map[func2,
HistogramList[data, binning, binListF[data]][[2]] /. {} -> {0, 0}, {-2}], {-2}] &
Data and styles:
data = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], {100, 2}];
styles = Sequence @@ {BoxRatios -> 1, ImageSize -> 300, ChartStyle -> Opacity[.6],
ChartElementFunction -> ChartElementDataFunction["SegmentScaleCube",
"Segments" -> 12, "ColorScheme" -> 46]};
Usage examples:
Histogram3D[data, Automatic, heightF[data][Total, First], styles] (* OP's example *)
Bin specifications:
Row[Column[{Style[Row[{"binning: ", #}], 18, "Panel"],
Histogram3D[data, #, heightF[data][Total, First, #], styles]}, Center] & /@
{{{-2, 2, 0.5}, {-3, 3,1.5}}, "Knuth", "Sturges", "FreedmanDiaconis", "Scott", "Wand"}]
Aggregation functions:
Row[Column[{Style[Row[{"heightF[data][", #[[1]], ", ", #[[2]], "]"}], 18, "Panel"],
Histogram3D[data, Automatic, heightF[data][#[[1]], #[[2]]], styles]}, Center] & /@
{{Total, Last}, {Total, Mean}, {Max, Mean}, {Min, Mean}, {Max, Min}, {Min, Max}}]
For the Histogram, you could do something like:
data = RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0, 1], {200, 2}];
Histogram3D[data, {.5},
Function[{xbs, ybs, c},
Table[Total[ Select[data, x[[1]] <= #[[1]] < x[[2]] && y[[1]] <= #[[2]] < y[[2]] &][[All, 1]]],
{x, xbs}, {y, ybs}]