hot key to move one window to another screen (mac osx 10.10)

EDIT: As mentioned by @dbernard and Spectacle, it's no longer actively being maintained, they both recommend Rectangle

Spectacle works just as well and is free! See their github for more information.

Feel free to take a look at their keyboard shortcuts found here. The default shortcut for moving to "Next Display" is ⌃⌥⌘→ and you can configure it to whatever you want.

Works perfectly on 10.10.5 and 10.14.6

Doesn't exists. If you want this feature you have to use an external program. For such thing, I use Moom (10$) where you can define a shortcut for it. Checkout the screenshot:

enter image description here

This let me use ⌥alt+⇥tab to move the active window to the desktop on the right.

BetterTouchTool can also do it:

Gestures -> Keyboard -> Add new shortcut -> "chose your key combination" -> Trigger predefined action -> Move Window to next Monitor (or alternatively Move Window One Space/Desktop Left/Right.)

(a must have tool in my opinion, it can do many other awesome things)