House address is not listed on Google Maps

From the Google Maps help on how to Fix an error on Google Maps:

Help us make Maps better

Community edits allow you to modify the information you see on Google Maps, making it more accurate for everyone.

To let us know about a point of interest other than a business, use the Report a Problem link and follow these instructions:

  1. Drag the marker to the position where the point of interest is located.
  2. Under "Which element is wrong?", select "A place or landmark."
  3. Under "Which place?", select "Place isn't listed."
  4. Fill out the details under "Problem Description" and click Report Problem

Someone in a similar situation to you posted here:

  1. Go to
  2. click on "About Google" at the bottom
  3. click on "Contact us" at the bottom
  4. At the first drop down box where it says Or, jump straight to specific product contact options - SELECT "Maps contact options"
  5. Click on "Fix an error on Google Maps"
  6. You can choose the option that best pertains to your situation, but if it's street name error click "Report incorrect map data"
  7. (Tela Atlas provides Google Maps with their data) It says: •Tele Atlas: Report a map error using their Map Insight system. Click on "Map insight" link.
  8. Click "English"
  9. Click "Start"
  10. click your country "United States" from the drop down box.
  11. click your "state/province" from the drop down box.
  12. Type in the address that needs corrected. Click "search"
  13. Click the green push pin marker to move it to the street you are describing.
  14. Click "Step 2 - Describe"
  15. Click "Address" icon
  16. click "change and address, street name, house number or city"
  17. Type the correct address
  18. Click "additional remarks" to explain any information to help them understand the correction.
  19. click "Step 3 - Submit" - You will get an ID number with your request and an email stating that it has been completed.