Hovering mouse cursor over a plot to display a "corresponding" point in another plot
Using Scaled
coordinates can be quite helpful:
loc = Scaled[{0.5, 0.5}]},
x, {x, 1, 2},
Epilog -> Dynamic[ Point[Scaled[{loc[[1, 1]], loc[[1, 1]]}]] ]],
x^2, {x, -1, 2},
Epilog -> Dynamic@Locator[Dynamic[loc]]]
See how the point in the first coordinates follows quite nicely even though their ranges are completely different.
You can of course use EventHandler
with MousePosition
, which supports "GraphicsScaled" coordinates, instead of a Locator
data = Table[{i, 5 Sin[i/10] + RandomReal[]}, {i, 100}];
data2 = {Log[#], #2} & @@@ data;
In case when you don't know how both axes are related to each other but only have point sets you can do something like:
Deploy@With[{opts = {Axes -> False, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> {300, 300/GoldenRatio},
AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio}},
DynamicModule[{sel = 1, mark},
Graphics[{[email protected], Dynamic@mark[data],
Red, [email protected], Dynamic@Point[data[[sel]]]}, opts],
Graphics[{[email protected], Dynamic@mark[data2],
Red, [email protected], Dynamic@Point[data2[[sel]]]}, opts]
, Initialization :> (
mark[data_] := MapIndexed[Dynamic@{If[CurrentValue["MouseOver"], sel = First@#2];,
Point[#]} &, data];