How are beans named by default when created with annotation?

Adding to Darren Forsythe's answer above, the implementation of AnnotationBeanNameGenerator can result in two kinds of bean names.

If the short name derived from the class name starts with two uppercase characters, the short name will become the bean name. Otherwise if one of the first two characters of short name is lower case, the bean name would be the short name with the first character in lower case.

Example: class name leads to a short name of FooServiceImpl. Since, first two characters are not uppercase, the bean name would become -> fooServiceImpl.

However, if class name is which leads to a short name of FOoServiceImpl, your bean name would remain FOoServiceImpl since the first two characters are uppercase.

Similarly,, will lead to bean name as FOoServiceIMPL.

Spring only looks at the short name and its first two characters while creating the bean name.

Is the default bean name generator for annotations, there's a DefaultBeanNameGenerator for beans defined by @Bean

In this case I believe the name of the bean would be classABCImpl, as its built of the short name of the class.

From the example of a concrete service implementation, -> fooServiceImpl

Personally I'm not a fan of using the default naming if you are ever going to want to refer to that bean via the name. Better to be explicit in these cases.