How are terminal length and width forwarded over SSH and telnet?
The telnet protocol, described in RFC 854, includes a way to send in-band commands, consisting of the IAC character, '\255'
, followed by several more bytes. These commands can do things like send an interrupt to the remote, but typically they're used to send options.
A detailed look at an exchange that sends the terminal type option can be found in Microsoft Q231866.
The window size option is described in RFC 1073. The client first sends its willingness to send an NAWS
option. If the server replies DO NAWS
, the client can then send the NAWS
option data, which is comprised of two 16-bit values.
Example session, on a 47 row 80 column terminal:
telnet> set options
Will show option processing.
telnet> open localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
SENT IAC SB NAWS 0 80 (80) 0 47 (47)
The ssh protocol is described in RFC 4254. It consists of a stream of messages. One such message is "pty-req"
, which requests a pseudo-terminal, and its parameters include the terminal height and width.
uint32 recipient channel
string "pty-req"
boolean want_reply
string TERM environment variable value (e.g., vt100)
uint32 terminal width, characters (e.g., 80)
uint32 terminal height, rows (e.g., 24)
uint32 terminal width, pixels (e.g., 640)
uint32 terminal height, pixels (e.g., 480)
string encoded terminal modes
The telnet and ssh clients will catch the SIGWINCH
signal, so if you resize a terminal window during a session, they will send an appropriate message to the server with the new size. Ssh sends the Window Dimension Change Message:
uint32 recipient channel
string "window-change"
boolean FALSE
uint32 terminal width, columns
uint32 terminal height, rows
uint32 terminal width, pixels
uint32 terminal height, pixels
I suspect that it's via the signal SIGWINCH
--- probably delivered down the pipe.
From wikipedia:
SIGWINCH The SIGWINCH signal is sent to a process when its controlling terminal changes its size (a window change).
If I do a (in zsh
[romano:~] 1 % TRAPWINCH() {echo hi;}
...and I modify the terminal size:
[romano:~] % stty size
35 99
[romano:~] % hi
[romano:~] % hi
[romano:~] % hi
[romano:~] % stty size
31 80