How can a blank MS Access database be created using VBA?

The name of the locale constant in the CreateDatabase method is wrong:

accessApp.DBEngine.CreateDatabase "C:\tblImport.accdb", dbLangGenera

Should be:
accessApp.DBEngine.CreateDatabase "D:\tblImport.accdb", DB_LANG_GENERAL

Change that and your code should work. (It does for me at least).

Old question, but it was useful for me. Seems like you don't even need Access object.

Access.DBEngine.CreateDatabase "D:\tblImport.accdb", DB_LANG_GENERAL

works fine for me.

Old Question. Here are my two cents. You have a typo...

dbLangGenera should be dbLangGeneral

More about it in Workspace.CreateDatabase Method (DAO)

Voting to close this question as per Dealing with questions with obvious replies

Try this. This works.

Sub makedb()
    Dim accessApp As Access.Application
    Set accessApp = New Access.Application

    accessApp.DBEngine.CreateDatabase "C:\tblImport.accdb", dbLangGeneral

    Set accessApp = Nothing
End Sub

EDIT: Will delete this answer and post it as a comment once the post is closed.