How can I access my computer remotely?

To have GUI Access and full control (Graphical Way) you can use VINO and VINAGRE which come with Ubuntu (LoL I was going to type wine instead of Ubuntu. Don't know why I got confused ^^). Anyway first configure vino which is a vnc server.

  1. Press ALT+F2 and type vino-preferences
  2. Configure it as you like. It will then show you your IP (Assuming is an internet IP). Remember to put a password.
  3. Go to the client computer which you will use to connect and open vinagre (Typing vinagre in the command windows or looking for it in the menu as Remote Desktop Viewer)
  4. Click on connect and type the IP from your VNC server.


Now for this to work some points need to be checked, for example:

  • Is the IP of the VNC server accessible from the internet (Not a LAN IP)
  • Is the router/modem/switch/isp/godzilla connection you have support connections from the outside.
  • Do you have good connection to the laptop (Since VNC uses several times more bandwidth than for example ssh.)

If you want an easy solution that work out-of-the-box, without router configuration, you should try dedicated applications like:

  • TeamViewer 6
  • Mikogo 4

There are many other similar apps, but works only on Windows or Mac (like the famous LogMeIn).