How can I add a few specific mesh (altitude-like level) curves to a plot?
You can use multiple mesh functions in a plot, each with its own mesh definitions:
Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y],
{x, -10, 10},{y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
Mesh -> {
Range[-5, 5, 0.5] (*"regular" mesh*),
{(*your own special lines*)
{-1, Directive[Thick, Red]},
{0, Directive[Thick, Green]},
{1, Directive[Thick, Blue]}}
MeshFunctions -> {(#3 &),(#3&)},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500,
Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"},
SphericalRegion -> True
It is even easier with ContourPlot
, where you can just provide a list of contour values. Generate a list of standard contours with Range
, styled by the ContoursStyle
option, then Join
it with a list of your special contours, hand-styled as you wish them to be.
Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
(* styling for default contours *)
ContourStyle -> Opacity[0.3],
Contours ->
(* default contours *)
Range[-5, 5, 0.33],
(* your own hand-styled ones *)
{-1, Directive[Opacity[1, Red], Thick]},
{0, Directive[Opacity[1, Green], Thick]},
{1, Directive[Opacity[1, Blue], Thick]}
ImageSize -> 500
Set the Mesh
Mesh -> {{{-1, {Thick, Red}}, {0, {Thick, Green}}, {1, {Thick,
a = Plot3D[
Sin[x - y] +
Cos[x + y],(*this function is just for the MWE*){x, -10,
10}, {y, -10, 10}, PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
MeshFunctions -> (#3 &), ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500, Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"},
SphericalRegion -> True];
b = Plot3D[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
MeshFunctions -> (#3 &),
Mesh -> {{{-1, {Thick, Red}}, {0, {Thick, Green}}, {1, {Thick,
Blue}}}}, PlotStyle -> None];
Show[a, b]
Set Contours
Contours -> {{-1, {Thick, Red}}, {0, {Thick, Green}}, {1, {Thick,
aa = ContourPlot[
Sin[x - y] +
Cos[x + y],(*this function is just for the MWE*){x, -10,
10}, {y, -10, 10}, PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500];
bb = ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ImageSize -> 500, ContourShading -> None,
Contours -> {{-1, {Thick, Red}}, {0, {Thick, Green}}, {1, {Thick,
Show[aa, bb]
Or this?
aa = ContourPlot[
Sin[x - y] +
Cos[x + y],(*this function is just for the MWE*){x, -10,
10}, {y, -10, 10}, PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500, MeshFunctions -> (#3 &), Mesh -> None,
ContourStyle -> None, ContourShading -> Automatic];
bb = ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ImageSize -> 500, ContourShading -> None, ContourStyle -> None,
MeshFunctions -> (-#3 &),
Mesh -> {{{-1, {Thick, Red, Opacity[1]}}, {0, {Thick, Green,
Opacity[1]}}, {1, {Thick, Blue, Opacity[1]}}}}];
Show[aa, bb]
All the methods below add three styled curves, "while all other curves stay in the default style."
1. You can use the options MeshFunctions
and Mesh
to add additional contours:
ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500,
MeshFunctions -> {Sin[# - #2] + Cos[# + #2] &},
Mesh -> {Thread[{{0., -1., 1.},
Thread[Directive[{Green, Red, Blue}, Thick, Opacity[1]]]}]}]
2. Generate the list of contours using FindDivisions
and style each contour as you like:
automaticcontours = FindDivisions[{-2, 2}, 10];
styledcontours = {{-1, Directive[Thick, Red]},
{0, Directive[Thick, Green]}, {1, Directive[Thick, Blue]}};
contours = DeleteDuplicatesBy[First]@
Join[styledcontours, Thread[{automaticcontours, Automatic}]];
ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500,
Contours -> contours]
3. Post-process ContourPlot
output to restyle selected contours:
cp = ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500];
Replace[cp, {Tooltip[{d___, l__Line}, t : (0. | 1. | -1.)] :> {Thick, Opacity[1],
t /. {0. -> Green, -1. -> Red, 1. -> Blue, _ -> {d}}, Tooltip[{l}, t]}}, All]
4. Yet another method is to extract the contours from cp
and redo ContourPlot
using styled contours:
automaticcontours = Cases[cp, Tooltip[_, t_] :> t, All]
{1.5, 1., 0.5, 0., -0.5, -1., -1.5};
styledcontours = Thread[{{0., -1., 1.},
Thread[Directive[{Green, Red, Blue}, Thick, Opacity[1]]]}];
contours = Join[styledcontours , Complement[automaticcontours, {0., -1., 1.}]];
ContourPlot[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500,
Contours -> contours]
1. Use FindDivisions
to generate a mesh list (that matches the automatically generated one) and add your list of styled mesh lines and use the combined list as the setting for Mesh
automaticmeshlines = Most @ Rest @ FindDivisions[{-2, 2}, 18];
styledmeshlines = {{-1, Directive[Thick, Red]}, {0,
Directive[Thick, Green]}, {1, Directive[Thick, Blue]}};
mesh = DeleteDuplicatesBy[First]@
Join[styledmeshlines, Thread[{automaticmeshlines , Automatic}]];
Plot3D[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500,
Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"}, SphericalRegion -> True,
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &},
Mesh -> {mesh}]
2. Add constant functions in the first argument of Plot3D
corresponding to the desired levels, set their PlotStyle
to Opacity[0]
and use the option BoundaryStyle
to set the directives for the intersection of the main surface with the added planes:
Plot3D[{ 0., -1., 1., Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y]}, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10,
10}, PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
MeshFunctions -> (#3 &),
PlotStyle -> {Opacity[0], Opacity[0], Opacity[0], Automatic},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", ImageSize -> 500,
BoundaryStyle -> {1 -> None, 2 -> None, 3 -> None,
{4, 1} -> Directive[Green, AbsoluteThickness[4], Opacity[1]],
{4, 2} -> Directive[Red, AbsoluteThickness[4], Opacity[1]],
{4, 3} -> Directive[Blue, AbsoluteThickness[4], Opacity[1]]},
Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"}, SphericalRegion -> True]
3. Post-process to restyle selected mesh lines:
p3d = Plot3D[Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
MeshFunctions -> (#3 &), ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500, Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"},
SphericalRegion -> True];
Normal[p3d] /. Line[x_, ___] :>
{Round[x[[1, -1]], 0.1] /. Append[Thread[{0., -1., 1.} ->
Thread[Directive[{Green, Red, Blue}, Thick, Opacity[1]]]], _ -> {}], Line[x]}