How can I add a node on top of a rectangle path?
One possibility, although not very TikZ-idiomatic, is to combine your \path
command with Torbjørn's suggestion into a macro:
\path[draw] (#2) rectangle (#3);
\path (#3 |- #2) -- (#2) node[midway,above] {#1};
\coordinate (upperleft) at (0,1);
\coordinate (lowerright) at (2,0);
\namedrectangle[Named rectangle]{upperleft}{lowerright}
Another option. If you know corners coordinates
use fit
library to draw the rectangle while the text is added with label
. You can use named
coordinates or just numerical ones. In this last case include coordinates list inside brackets.
\fill[red] (0,1) circle[radius=1pt] coordinate (upperleft);
\fill[red] (2,0) circle[radius=1pt] coordinate (lowerright);
\node[draw, fit=(upperleft) (lowerright), inner sep=0pt, label={Named rectangle}] (rectangle) {};
\node[draw, fit={(3,0) (5,1.4)}, inner sep=0pt, label={[text width=2cm, align=center]Another named rectangle}
] (rectangle-b) {};