How can I add random string for each line?
Don't you think its bit obvious? You are just generating random string once and storing it in ran
variable and using it for all the lines!
Using getline
into a variable from a pipe
awk '{
str_generator = "tr -dc '[:alnum:]' </dev/urandom | head -c 6"
str_generator | getline random_str
print "name " random_str " - " $0
}' file
When you use command | getline var
, the output of command is sent through a pipe to getline()
and into the variable var
Also note when a pipe is opened for output, awk
remembers the command associated with it, and subsequent writes to the command are appended to the previous writes. We need to make an explicit close()
call of the command to prevent that.
If the nested single-quotes in the str_generator
are causing a problem, replace with its octal equivalent(\047
awk '{
str_generator = "tr -dc \047[:alnum:]\047 </dev/urandom | head -c 6"
str_generator | getline random_str
print "name " random_str " - " $0
}' file
With awk system()
Sample input.txt
awk '{
printf "name";
system("tr -dc \047[:alnum:]\047 </dev/urandom | head -c6");
printf "-%s\n", $0
}' input.txt
Sample output:
Execute the operating system commandcommand
and then return to the awk program
Running one instance of tr -dc '[:alnum:]' </dev/urandom | head -c 6
per line of input would be counter-productive, you'd be better of doing:
<input awk -v rng="LC_ALL=C tr -dc '[:alnum:]' </dev/urandom | fold -w 6" '
{rng | getline r; print "name"r"-"$0}'
If your input doesn't contain backticks nor single quotes, you could also use m4
's mkstemp()
<input sed "s/.*/mkstemp(name)\`&'/" | m4