How can I add Section numbering and a Contents entry to the PDF bookmarks?

Additional bookmarks can be added via \pdfbookmark, see example below. Also I have disabled page anchors for the first pages to avoid duplicate destination names, because some of the pages have the same page number. (Also I have disabled two packages that I do not have installed).

% \usepackage{fnpct}

\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.15in, left=1.15in, right=1.15in}

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=ForestGreen, linkcolor=Red,


% \usepackage{footnotebackref}



\begin{titlepage} \Huge{\sc{Title}} \end{titlepage}


\textbf{\Large{Abstract}} \\
\vspace*{0.43 cm}
\noindent This is the abstract so far.





\section[Title to be added to ToC]{Title to be added to ToC\\
\large Subtitle only appearing in text}\label{label1}
% \large does not take an argument
\subsection{Subsection name here} 
\subsection{Other name here}
\section{Another section}   


As you are using hyperref I dont see the need for any additional package like bookmark For the numbering of regular section : hyperref as has an option bookmarksnumbered which does the job ! For the label of *-section : hyperref also defines a \phantomsectioncommand which creates the expected (unnumbered) bookmark, and which can be used for bookmarking the the toc if you use \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Contents} to include it in the toc.

Example :

some text 
another text

where the \clearpage are used only to change the pages of successive sections.

Result :

enter image description here enter image description here