Drupal - How can I change the Apache Solr search URL?

This should work if you place it in settings.php:

function custom_url_rewrite_outbound(&$path, &$options, $original_path) {
  // Filter to get only the apache solr links with filters so it doesn't launch it for every link of our website
  if ($path == 'search/apachesolr_search/' && strpos($options['query'], 'filters') !== FALSE) {
    $new_path = $path.'?'.urldecode($options['query']);
    // See if we have a url_alias for our new path
    $sql = 'SELECT dst FROM {url_alias} WHERE src="%s"';
    $row = db_result(db_query($sql, $new_path));
    // If there is a dst url_alia, we change the path to it and erase the query
    if ($row) {
      $path = $row;
      $options['query'] = '';

function custom_url_rewrite_inbound(&$result, $path, $path_language) {
  // See if we have a url_alias for our new path
  $sql = 'SELECT src FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst="%s"';
  $row = db_result(db_query($sql, $path));
  if ($row) {
    // We found a source path
    $parts = preg_split('/[\?\&]/', $row);
    if (count($parts) > 1) {
      $result = array_shift($parts);
      // That's important because on my website, it doesn't work with the / at the end of result
      if ($result[strlen($result) - 1] == '/') {
        $result = substr($result, 0, strlen($result) - 1);
      // Create the $_GET with the filter
      foreach ($parts as $part) {
        list($key, $value) = explode('=', $part);
        $_GET[$key] = $value;
        // Add this because the pager use the $_REQUEST variable to be set
        $_REQUEST[$key] = $value;

And then when you create a menu entry, you put the link to apache solr : search/apachesolr_search/?filters=tid:13

And create a url alias for search/apachesolr_search/?filters=tid:13 like products/tv.html

Found via: http://drupal.org/node/783836#comment-4136475

It is non-trivial to change the search path if you are only using the apachesolr search module. Since it depends on the core search module, the path is nearly hard-coded. It depends on search/{module}/%menu_tail. If you look at search_view(), the callback for the search module, you'll find that it calls search_get_keys(), which expects the search keys to be in a particular part of the path. The apachesolr search module also uses this function to get keys, so implementing a simple hook_menu_alter() won't work on its own.

As mentioned in another answer here, if you are able to run Views 3.x, then your best bet is to use the apachesolr views module. With this module, you can easily define any number of custom paths for search results.

If you can't run 3.x, then you'll need to use a combination of form alter (specifically, search_form) and custom menu callbacks to successfully change the default search path.

You could use solr views for your site search.

  1. Create a solr view.
  2. Add a page display with the path you want
  3. Add search text as a filter.
  4. Exposed form in block
  5. Put the block where you want your search box to go.

