How can I change the path of component generation to current path in angular-cli?

Well, after some googling and reading the other answers, it will be helpful to have some explanations here. To generate a component in your project:

cd  path/your-project

In the console (node-prompt or your IDE console) type:

ng generate component components/your-new-component-name

If you want to abbreviate:

ng g c components/your-new-component-name

You can create other angular components like: ng g directive ng g module ...

Source and more info: Angular Official Documentation

You should avoid: 'route-to-your-project': this will concatenate routes when you execute: ng g c 'route-to-your-project' and the console will show you an error because could not find the correct place to generate.


 ng g c components/alerts/test3

CREATE src/app/components/alerts/test3/test3.component.html (20 bytes)
CREATE src/app/components/alerts/test3/test3.component.spec.ts (621 bytes)
CREATE src/app/components/alerts/test3/test3.component.ts (266 bytes)
CREATE src/app/components/alerts/test3/test3.component.scss (0 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/alerts/alerts.module.ts (5046 bytes)

I hope it will be helpful for you

Suppose you have structure src/app and you wanna create a component header living at src/app/components/ you can run ng g c components/header, which will generate files at src/app/components/header folder, like src/app/components/header/header.component.ts src/app/components/header/header.component.html etc.

ng g c 'path/to/component/componentName'

You should never have to leave your root directory when working with angular cli. If you wanted all your components to go into a subdirectory called my-component you would just do ng g c my-component/componentName

Note that g and c are valid shortforms for generate and component respectively.