How can I check if a header has an ending full stop?

Firstly it is always best to post a MWE. As you have not posted one I am posting a general answer, for exact formatting of the section you will need to add your own formatting commands.

You don't need a \futurelet. TeX keeps track of special codes for letters and punctuation to place the right amount of space after a stop. We can check the value of the \spacefactor macro and add a stop or do nothing if it is already there.


The rest of the code are minor details. Here is the MWE.

\def\section{\secdef \starcmd \unstarcmd}
\newcommand\unstarcmd[1]{\bfseries\setcounter{section}{O}\renewcommand\thesection{\Alph{section} \addhead{#1}}}

\section[small title]{Testing}\\
\section{Testing}\\ % remains as is 

If you want the macro to work both for \frenchspacing and \nonfrenchspacing, you can try:


and test with


Test. \fbox{A test test}


Test. \fbox{A test test}

You can also visit the link quoted by Philippe Goutet in the comments below.

The problem can be solved at a macro level without 'meddling' with the space factor.

      \ifstrcmpTF\expandafter\@car\lasttok\@nil X}{%

\newsection{Test section.\label{sec:1}}
As seen later in Section~\ref{sec:this} \ldots.
\newsection{Test section}
\newsection{Test section.}
\newsection{Is this a test section?}
\newsection{Heh, this is test section!}
\newsection{Test section\dots}
\newsection{Test section\ldots}
\newsection{Test section\textellipsis}
\newsection{Test section\label{sec:this}\ldots}
As seen earlier in Section~\ref{sec:1} \ldots.

% I have accounted for the ASCII character 133 but you may not get it to print:
\newsection{Test section …}