How can I clear the Jest cache?

First, you need to know the Jest version:

yarn jest --version

Jest >= 22.0.0

yarn jest --clearCache

Jest < 22.0.0

yarn jest --showConfig | grep cacheDir

Returns (you need to remove that folder)

      "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/jest_rs",

Then, you remove it

rm -rf /tmp/jest_rs

If you don’t use Yarn, do instructions with npx jest.

You can find the cache location by running jest --showConfig. Look for the cacheDirectory key. Its value is the name of the folder you'll need to remove.

Just run:

jest --clearCache

If you have installed Jest as a dependency in your Node.js project and the jest command doesn't work, just create a new script inside your package.json file.

    "scripts:" {
        "clear_jest": "jest --clearCache"

And then, run in your terminal:

npm run clear_jest

With modern NPM, you could also run (credits to johny):

npx jest --clearCache

As of Jest 22.0.0+, you can use the --clearCache option:

Deletes the Jest cache directory and then exits without running tests. Will delete cacheDirectory if the option is passed, or Jest's default cache directory.

