How can I comment out PHP lines inside HTML file?

You need to use PHP Comments not HTML comments <!-- -->

Note that you should hide PHP code for security reasons when commenting out a chunk of HTML containing PHP code using <!-- --> otherwise your source code will be visible when page is viewed.

Imagine you have the following code:

    <?php echo $this_variable_will_echo_a_div; ?>

If you want the div to be echoed but not displayed at the page, you'll comment html, PHP still gets executed:

    <!-- <?php echo $this_variable_will_echo_a_div; ?> -->

If you don't want the div to appear at the source as commented html, you'll have to comment php, nothing will appear between the body tags at your source:

    <?php /* echo $this_variable_will_echo_a_div; */ ?>

All the commenting methods of PHP syntax works in the embedded code inside HTML. Feel free to use anyone.

<?php //for one line comment ?>

<?php /* for multi-lines comment */ ?>

also you can use the HTML comment syntax just outside the php tags.

<!-- <?php blah blah ?> --> 

Note that the PHP code will still be executed.



