How can I convert a Rmd document to a jupyter notebook

sos-rmarkdown provides yet another Rmarkdown to Jupyter notebook converter. The unique features include its support for inline expressions using markdown-kernel, use of multiple kernels in one notebook (using a SoS kernel) to accommodate code blocks in multiple languages, and the ability to execute generated notebook using sos-papermill. It also uses cell meta data to control the display of input and output of code blocks in Jupyter Lab and exported HTML reports.

To use this tool, you can install sos-rmarkdown from pip or conda-forge, then run the converter with command

sos convert input.Rmd output.ipynb

or use option --execute to execute the converted notebook

sos convert input.Rmd output.ipynb --execute

Disclaimer: I am the author of sos-rmarkdown.

After checking, the silver bullet seems to be jupytext It allows you to convert from or to markdown, rmarkdown, python, ipynb, etc.

This can actually allow you a pretty neat workflow

  1. write a simple R script, script.R, that you can spin into a Rmd document
  2. use knitr::spin('script.R', knit = FALSE) to transform it to Rmd
  3. use jupytext --to notebook script.Rmd to create script.ipynb
  4. share or execute the notebook